Benefits of Legal representation through Contingency Fees A lawyer will typically represent you in court, if you have hired an attorney to represent the court in your case, it is also possible to retain an attorney on a per-contingency basis. This means they can be paid per month. Though this may be an acceptable choice in certain circumstances, many people don't have sufficient legal issues that warrant the use of an attorney for a regular basis. It is important to have good working relationships with your attorney in order to avoid conflict of interest. The following are the benefits of using an attorney who is contingent on fees. Lawyers can represent them in the courtroom, you must pay for them. They must be honest and forthcoming with your lawyer. It is important to discuss your attorney's advice. If you have a conflict with your attorney, they can choose to revoke the representation. If they doso, it is your responsibility to search for another lawyer. It is your responsibility to follow their directions and stick to your end of the bargain. The best resultsno matter how much it costs. Costs for legal representation vary depending on what
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